المدة الزمنية 36:26

The “Traditional” Black Man Does NOT Exist

بواسطة Chrissie
65 033 مشاهدة
3.7 K
تم نشره في 2022/08/01

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تعليقات - 1231
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    @islandgirl8067منذ 2 سنوات Notice how he acknowledges that BW were forced to take on masculine roles because BM are not leading, but he put all the blame on BW & had no smoke for the men. Chrissie cracked me up here! 860
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    @shanaleasha6550منذ 2 سنوات Calling themselves Christians but neglecting the part of the Bible that says a man is to take care of his family and if he doesn't then he's worse than an un-believer. And yes that includes money in the bank!!! 1939
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    @las8883منذ 2 سنوات It’s been said many times by several people that many of todays men are resentful for what it takes to attract a woman these days. They hate that they have to bring more than the bare minimum. That’s why they’re obsessed with looking at their grandparents generation with rose coloured glasses. But at the same time they accuse women who want a provider for being gold diggers and having unrealistic expectations. The contradictions make me dizzy lol ....وسعت 1496
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    @krys1301منذ 2 سنوات I'm so sick of these men refusing to take responsibility about how lame, lazy and unmotivated they are to better their own damned lives. 1126
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    @missj5564منذ 2 سنوات The men not stepping up to the plate and being providers and protectors has led to women having to provide for themselves and the children the men abandoned. id="hidden4" class="buttons"> He was so much harder on the women and basically slapping the men on the wrist. ....وسعت 1403
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    @girlboss2427منذ 2 سنوات Just leave BM, Blk male worshippers and the blk community ALONE! Please protect your energy. LET IT GO BW! LET THEM GO! 550
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    @asiahenry7798منذ 2 سنوات I find it very amusing that TD Jakes don’t mind getting rich off women’s money. 436
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    @Bri-nc8ypمنذ 2 سنوات I’m at work right now and working with a white male nurse. Without me asking he asked ME if I needed help with a patient I was struggling to turn a male patient with severe edema (water weight in the legs and hips) by myself and he stepped in. He made this shift easier for me I got done early. He helped me a lot without me asking he jumped in. It’s really appreciated That’s the type of man I’m looking for in my personal life for a man who makes my life easier without me having to ask. This nurse made me realize there still men out there like this. In the past at my old job I asked a Nigerian guy to help me turn a patient so I could clean them and do a treatment he came in the room and sat down then started scrolling his phone while I cleaned her up. Extremely feminine a lot of black men are.
    EDIT: And when the male nurse was starting to do the heavy lifting for me I was telling him “no I got it you don’t have to” then I stop and remember Lessons taught on this channel and realize I’m acting in my masculine and let him be the man. .
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    @locs2645منذ 2 سنوات Between the 2 preachers I hear that I should put on stilettos, have the man get on my back, and then listen to him order me around. Toxicity is rampant in our community! 464
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    @weneedtodobetter2555منذ 2 سنوات You cannot be a leader and place blame on someone else at the same time. That’s all I see black men doing— placing blame on women. You’re either a leader or you’re not — and most are not. 667
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    @gazelleh5880منذ 2 سنوات What most men fail to realize is that in the presence of true masculinity, a woman cannot help but be feminine. She will be more willing to listen and id="hidden8" class="buttons"> do her part not because she feels forced or pressured, but because she actually trusts the man and his judgment. Too many men need women to baby them but a real man makes his woman feel safe, secure, and loved like a baby. A true man is tough and strong physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially. True masculine energy cannot be denied, and Many of these men lack it. ....وسعت 227
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    @shenyaet2755منذ 2 سنوات Black men are supposed to already have it together. That’s why I don’t praise them for having a car, house or job. They also shouldn’t get a pat on the back for paying their bills. That’s what normal everyday adults are supposed to do. ....وسعت 436
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    @justcallmebon2684منذ 2 سنوات I literally laugh when BM talk that traditional stuff. What they really want is the ability to dominate and subjugate women regardless of who makes what money. 407
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    @kawaiikoibito3268منذ 2 سنوات This is why I left the church as soon a I was old enough to decide for myself( not forced by my parents to go) TD Jake's messages are very reminiscent id="hidden11" class="buttons"> of some sermons I've heard growing up I'm sick and tired of these pastor frauds and some black women still applauding and giving them a platform ....وسعت 510
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    @shenyaet2755منذ 2 سنوات Real men don’t have time to sit on the internet and talk about black women all day. They are doing masculine things like building wealth, working all day and honing their God given talents. They want to make sure their wives, girlfriends and children are set for life. ....وسعت 393
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    @raegold024منذ 2 سنوات This man has made millions selling lies to his own people. 228
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    @KeepItInLaLaLandمنذ 2 سنوات Black men and these leaders really want so little for Black women. They really say with their chest that we should be their mothers and be happy with a id="hidden13" class="buttons"> life of struggle. They really don't want us to expect anything substantial from men. It's quite disheartening ....وسعت 89
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    @WesleyLindseyمنذ 2 سنوات Unrelated, my last grandparent passed away mid-May and out of the 4 of them, none of them had anything to pass down to the family but they were DEVOTED id="hidden14" class="buttons"> to the church. Take some of that 10% you giving to the pastor for him to spend on Gucci, Louis, and Fendi and save that so you can have some generational wealth please. Black churches running our pockets THRU ....وسعت 350
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    @victorialake9474منذ 2 سنوات Half of his congregation has left after he said all of this nonsense. If the rest of the ladies left and stopped giving him money, his masculinity needs id="hidden15" class="buttons"> to kick in and replace that money on his own. I’m proud of the women that are not taking being ripped off and disrespected anymore. If most of the BW stopped giving to these Black churches, these BM pastors would be broke. ....وسعت 67
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    @FloridaGeorgiaمنذ 2 سنوات This was the best display of Chrissie's comedic chops ever! An I have been a fan since 2015! 516
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    @truthserum1271منذ 2 سنوات Hollerin at Chrissie’s voice for Jakes 178
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    @oleseunمنذ 2 سنوات all their problems are because of something else; no accountability and they have the audacity to lecture us on anything?!?!?!?! Coddling these men has id="hidden16" class="buttons"> kept this community in shambles and until that changes forget about the improvements ....وسعت 348
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    @meechelleمنذ 2 سنوات I’m so happy many are finally unpacking this 185
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    @Lisette121منذ 2 سنوات I listened to umar talk about allowing bm to lead, but we never stopped them. We were forced to lead. Bw outnumber bm in great numbers in college etc. id="hidden17" class="buttons"> Also when many bm make good money they think bw are beneath them and date others. We are not competing with them, it's about survival. If they cannot apply themselves we have no choice but to do so for ourselves. ....وسعت 258
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    @EverydayGworlمنذ 2 سنوات He had a plethora of adjectives for the women but none for the men 142
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    @user-dy6tv3cj2zمنذ 2 سنوات I say if BM want to marry outside their community and hate us so much..let them. Pay them dust. Most BW who are married/dating BM are unhappy anyway due id="hidden18" class="buttons"> to the physical, emotional, and financial abuse from them. I know a few good BM out there who genuinely love BW and actually care about their well being.but only a few. ....وسعت 187
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    @Ms.FelisCatusمنذ 2 سنوات Your "preacher voice" had me DYING during this live. Everything you said is spot on! 147
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    @BlakeGildaphish76منذ 2 سنوات "You're weak! You're soft! You're effeminate! You're dependent! You ain't got no money! You're living off a woman!"
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    @kokoalaska9888منذ 2 سنوات I get what Pastor is saying, but at this point I’m so over dating and tap dancing for these dudes. Be submissive but 50/50 on dates and bills. Be softd="hidden20" class="buttons"> but also be his therapist and accept his “ potential”. Im exhausted and over it . ....وسعت 139
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    @pink_magical_girlمنذ 2 سنوات My mother married my father 42 years ago and he was dirt poor and she was too. She been with him for so long and abused left and right. Constantly coming id="hidden21" class="buttons"> and going back and forth leaving him and trying to "play wife" to a man that threatens her and his children on the regular. Don't let these men fool you. Find someone established. That way you can at least get alimony and things to help you when you decide to leave. ....وسعت 159
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    @honeybee2919منذ 2 سنوات More men like this will emerge from the dust. The question is ladies, what are you going to in response? Because most of these men don't get fed if id="hidden22" class="buttons"> you don't open your fridge, they don't sleep unless you provide the bed.so you have much more.power than you think you do. ....وسعت 68
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    @bbills4186منذ 2 سنوات I need you to be a man, provide and protect. That's what I need.when you can do that, then we can work together in a partnership. Not an enslavement, id="hidden23" class="buttons"> a partnership. Until such time, I will be happy and single, in absolute comfort and peace that I provided for myself. I reject struggle in all it's forms. BTW, Ukrainian men put their women and children on a train to move them out of harm's way, kissed them goodbye and armed up for war, even coming from other countries to fight for their homeland. BM are fighting BW online.let that sink in. ....وسعت 212
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    @thewrongshoesمنذ 2 سنوات If we going biblical, I don’t remember Boaz being homeless or jobless ‍♀️. He was established. So why we need a build-a-man 110
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    @thewrongshoesمنذ 2 سنوات So he has a job, house and a car and that makes him “perfect”? 126
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    @jazzy_jay_4196منذ 2 سنوات I was on a dating app and this white guy (in his 30s) asked me if I was ok with a female led relationship (FLR). I unmatched so quick . Not sure what's going on with men in general. 111
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    @aSwayzeمنذ 2 سنوات Oooooh you're so right about the energy towards the men vs the women! Girl. You hit that one right on target. He's always been a problem just from id="hidden25" class="buttons"> a spiritual perspective; this was just another nail in the coffin. Until these types of "pastors" start admitting that being a leader means deciding that it's all their fault no matter what, they will make no impact. At this point they're wasting their breath. They need to speak more about the man who is already built and has the empire ready for his wife and children instead of the beggar who needs a "chance". ....وسعت 7
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    @moa3338منذ 2 سنوات These ministers are wolves in sheep's clothing.confusing the flock (black women).I've seen through their b.s. since my teen years. I am so grateful I can think for myself. Glad you're calling them out 97
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    @bq-9238منذ 2 سنوات The man will abuse you cos he wants to. Simple. 36
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    @bluey422ifyمنذ 2 سنوات “Struggle dusty babble” had me cryingggg 60
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    @courtneytho89منذ 2 سنوات That is why I feel the collective of BM do not have the best interest of BW at all.. I don't even listen to them, I tune them out fr 44
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    @ikurasugarbooty2331منذ 2 سنوات As a gay BW I agreed w/ u when u said that ppl in the alphabet community do like masculine men. The fem gays do, usually bi women do, trans men and women, id="hidden27" class="buttons"> etc. They do compete w/ women especially some gay (both out the closet and in) men and trans women b/c they want to BE women. Like u said it’s not everyone one but you can tell. Saucer Santana is one of them. I don’t mess w/ gay dudes who don’t realize they’re men, b/c they try to fight you too. Nah u a dude and I will call the cops or tase you. Gay or not your still a man. ....وسعت 57
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    @blaqwabbitمنذ 2 سنوات Hear me out.I think, at least partly, men see intelligence as a masculine trait. All the things they attribute to masculinity, like having a high paying id="hidden28" class="buttons"> job, education, wisdom to their crap (wanting younger more ignorant women) are things that come with knowledge. I think what they really want is for us to be ignorant or pretend to be.
    But in reality intelligence and wisdom is neither masculine nor feminine it's a necessity to survive in the current world. So truthfully they just want u to be helpless and suffering without them. That's what gets them going, u being unable to do anything without them.
    ....وسعت 163
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    @Jayde.Fierceمنذ 2 سنوات When men act like men and treat women like women. they naturally act more feminine and submissive. It's amazing to see how black women conduct themselves id="hidden29" class="buttons"> differently in the presence of traditional men of other cultures who show no apprehension about playing their masculine role. The struggle together mindset is so deeply engraved in black culture that I don't see this ever being resolved. to the detriment of black women. As women we need to stop taking advice from underqualified sources, think and learn from our experiences and those of other women. so that we eventually stop repeating the same mistakes over generations. ....وسعت 116
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    @GoaWay...منذ 2 سنوات He is a perfect example of why bm are the way they are. Everyone goes easy on them, and harder on bw.
    It is the reason why a lot of bw are more id="hidden30" class="buttons"> in their masculine. They are the reason why. They forced them into that.
    He even said it himself, because they were hurt and they were left etc etc.
    ....وسعت 96
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    @user-zz4wr2hm1yمنذ 2 سنوات I'm deep in my rainbow but I 100% support this message. Women can't allow this mentality to confuse them into settling for men that don't earn. id="hidden31" class="buttons"> Same mentality for fems and studs masculine partners are expected to protect and provide. ....وسعت 96
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    @MidnightMoon88منذ 2 سنوات TD can actually be the next Kevin S ; TD already looks like he has hypertension mixed with the sugaar ‍♀️ 79
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    @FightsRightsAlwaysمنذ 2 سنوات I wonder if T.d. Jakes and the manosphere, are going to talk about how problematic and dysfunctional this is. This is also a prime example as to why, so many black women have to be independent. 78
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    @kat64470منذ 2 سنوات My daughter dates yt dudes and they all seem to be working to buy a house and be debt free with a nice nest egg, then they’ll be ready to wed. . They’re not playing. They really don’t date seriously until they’re ready. Because they’re Christians too and there is no sex until wedding night. Such a contrast from when I grew up Christian. We did what ever we wanted. But men are the head. If the head is screwed up,the entire family and or community is screwed up. ....وسعت 94
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    @LJ404منذ 2 سنوات Dang. Women don’t wake up masculine and/or independent It’s a very slow process. Struggle or advance yourself. There’s a lot of available men very few providers 92
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    @jadaweary4546منذ 2 سنوات Hey Chrissie!! I love your channel. Im 18 and I’ve been listening to your channel and others like yours. But my mom and her friend (who are single and only prefer BM) recently told me that there are good traditionalists black men out here and while i agree, if there where that many i wonder why they are still single which is why i will open my options. ....وسعت 82
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    @nayar19منذ 2 سنوات This lets us know that these frauds are listening to the underground conversations. 96
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    @lmcbrewer7258منذ 2 سنوات So once again…let’s focus and blame Women for stepping up and handling their business. He mentions men, but still his target is BW 17
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    @justfornowforever418منذ 2 سنوات If y'all appalled at TD Jakes manophere dusty talking points then, you need to hear his pick me protege Dr.Juanita Bynum. 92
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    @GreenUptownerمنذ 2 سنوات Chrissie, you had me cracking up! You are telling the truth! 8
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    @cindychristian1700منذ 2 سنوات Why not want a guy who's already great?! Of course you do! Wanting the opposite of "great" makes no sense!! 62
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    @djohn12041986منذ 2 سنوات Chrissie, you dropped the damn mic. I have been waiting to hear this for a while in such a concise, no bullshit way. I’ve become so irritated with all the new redefining of gender roles with the new social movements that it’s really reassuring to hear a fellow black woman just stand up for us, heterosexuals, traditional women. ....وسعت 103
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    @RayRay-yt1lyمنذ 2 سنوات Chrissie.NONE of these men are going to go to a "manhood bootcamp" to better themselves!! Smh. 81
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    @choconethotcoco4717منذ 2 سنوات I sat in church for decades and watched women be berated, belittled and blamed for everything wrong with men and the world! I saw women faithfully serving id="hidden37" class="buttons"> the church for decades "waiting on God to send them a good man." It was just too painful to watch and I wanted something more from church than to be reminded that I suck as a woman and should write checks and service God. Like any business, churches have a mission statement and it involves berating and belittle women (their largest members) into believing they are nothing and their only purpose in life is to serve the Church and God. In that order. ....وسعت 43
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    @phalynwilliams4119منذ 2 سنوات Excellent commentary. This video goes along with Chrissie’s low patriarchy video that came out 4-5 years ago. 31
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    @edema2274منذ 2 سنوات I almost went to church this morning and glad I didn’t go. My church is predominantly white but it’s just as toxic and completely stupefying. 78
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    @suavesammiiقبل 8 أشهر Why when TD jakes start talking I instantly bursted into tears 1
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    @moniquebrown4072منذ 2 سنوات Secondly, it was woman WHO was created to fill the hole and need in your life!.after you BEG GOD FOR US! Man was on God's mission, doing work when id="hidden38" class="buttons"> woman came in to fill that hole, after he saw that everybody was paired up except him.so what the heck are you talking about! Man had all the comforts of life (GOD GAVE IT TO HIM) and he still ACHED FOR US! GET.IT.RIGHT! WE WERE THE FIRST SOLUTION TO THE FIRST PROBLEM THAT MAN HAD!
    Seems like man has forgotten his role and purpose listening to you attempting to talk about it Mr. Jakes.
    ....وسعت 35
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    @chrisharris2367منذ 2 سنوات A double minded man is unstable in all his ways
    You can’t be a builder if you’re unstable
    Black men need help
    The whole community does.
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    @nandi_mkito813منذ 2 سنوات The way you me laugh in parts Christie. Absolutely love your commentary 5
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    @heartstrings110منذ 2 سنوات Wow, he admitted that men are the reason women have become this way!! THANK YOU FOR POSTING MORE OF THE CONTEXT! These roles work best on the society .Also, id="hidden40" class="buttons"> Jakes tried to address the men by starting Hemotions, but men didn’t turn out in greater numbers. So he went back to focusing on women. I’m married, btw. ....وسعت 47
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    @shopwithleslieمنذ 2 سنوات There is nothing wrong with being a builder WHEN it is primarily for yourself. That is why these folks are upset. More Black women are doing it for themselves, id="hidden41" class="buttons"> and NOT allowing their resources to be controlled and used by others. When black women set and maintain reasonable and healthful boundaries, they are often accused of being "mean and nasty." Though there were a lot of women in the congregation hooping and hollering, that does not mean they are walking the walk. Some are trying to build up men, and/or depreciating themselves for the sake of male ego, but often at their peril. I also think many of these women are performing. Deep down, they are not interested in building up a man or being the bread winner. When they get in these types of relationships it is short lived. Initial romance can be fun and it keeps one occupied/satisfied. But prolonged involvement sucks! It can also be dangerous. ....وسعت 27
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    @babyRenaissanceمنذ 2 سنوات thanks for the content chrissie u really opened my eyes to the community as a 14 year old black male 7
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    @beautyisher1492منذ 2 سنوات Black men do encourage women to be masculine. I remember when I first met my sons father, he told me he wanted a woman who would be like "nigga, get id="hidden42" class="buttons"> over here". He wanted a tough woman and I felt bad because I was like damn, I'm not rough or ghetto enough. I didn't feel like I was enough for him. I wasnt rachet enough. I remember back then that Keisha Cole song was out where she said, "I used to think that I wasnt wild enough". Lol! That was how I felt. I wanted to be everything he said he wanted but I just wasnt raised to be that girl. It wasnt true to who I was. I'm sure he's changed since. We were younger then. ....وسعت 23
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    @sgh94644قبل 10 أشهر American Christianity and evangelicalism is the original manosphere tho 2
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    @AuthenticXpressionsمنذ 2 سنوات Lol,
    it was wonderful listening to you and your wisdom.
    Continue your work darling, your GREAT!❤️
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    @thetruesoulofanaquarius9302منذ 2 سنوات It is a known fact they always cut these videos because the hatred and proving BW ain't ish is so real. Exactly why I am really distancing myself from id="hidden43" class="buttons"> alot of BM and BW too. Majority of people especially BM and pick me and mammies don't want to see us win, happy and content in our life and it is really sad and sickening. ....وسعت 19
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    @cosmicfairygodmother9679منذ 2 سنوات It’s funny he knows how we got here. Yet not addressing men. 55
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    @TheCityDweller1قبل 4 أشهر I always find it so weird that men are supposed to be the leaders, but need a woman to help shape their greatness. Like… how Imma create you? If I had it in me… if I’m the “secret sauce” who turns an undeveloped flop into a non-flop… why do I need to hand it to you? Genuine question.
    Chrissie on point
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    @whenyouwishuponastar6643منذ 2 سنوات I agree with you Chrissie!! This is all talk. I’m a church goer and I’ve noticed that women are sometimes preached to more often. I went to a predominately white church for years and they always had mens retreats, which I thought was great. In my own opinion, I think male pastors need to focus on teaching men to be men. Of course they can speak on what the Bible says about a womens role, but I also believe part of the problem is that women are getting this message (in church) all the time from men who don’t look deeper into the message, and men aren’t hearing their message enough if they’re even in church. But women need to be taught by women. I think when it’s the other way around there’s too much ego. ....وسعت 10
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    @fortunatebabygirl8812منذ 2 سنوات The only part of adulthood that most BM are willing to take on is the sexual part of adulthood. 48
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    @staciamj1منذ 2 سنوات In all these cases they blamed women and did not tell the men ANYTHING that they needed to do, which is what they should have them. This is just insane s d I reject it in all its forms. I don’t listen to any of them. 36
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    @lr8719منذ 2 سنوات Why men great, till they gotta be GREAT. 21
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    @alimarie2632منذ 2 سنوات We need the same energy !!!! Yes Chrissie 3
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    @AIK96منذ 2 سنوات I guess the whole Ruth and Boaz story goes out the window for these "preachers" 17
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    @vol.9543منذ 2 سنوات Right. Men want independent women, just not independent of them. There’s a difference. 38
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    @RukiaBlackBlazerمنذ 2 سنوات Chrissy, these pastors jobs and what black women paid them for, is to blame themselves, the woman, for all that is wrong with the men, that those pastors, chose not to teach. 24
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    @go-goyubari8776منذ 2 سنوات I'm cool off these Men. Be safe out here Ladies. 43
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    @shenyaet2755منذ 2 سنوات We have to be masculine at times, because we have to protect ourselves from feminine black Dusty’s. They want to be treated like Queens and they won’t get that treatment from me, because I’m not a pick me. 77
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    @takemycointsمنذ 2 سنوات Chrissie, you just make sense. Can’t really describe it but everytime I listen to your videos I find myself nodding vigorously in agreement. You’ve been doing the thing. I’m only 19 and enjoying my youth for the time being but I’ll remember you and your advice later on in life. ☺️ ....وسعت 5
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    @itstimeforlifeمنذ 2 سنوات The chess board analogy. I CANNOTTT. What is happening??? 13
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    @SCFLEURمنذ 2 سنوات The TD Jakes imitation took me to the moon 21
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    @kaygeeRandomnessمنذ 2 سنوات Happily single is looking to be the best option at this point. 25
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    @MzCrayKrayمنذ 2 سنوات That's why my Pastor congregation stay small because he be preaching the things that people don't wanna hear. lol He call dusty men "broke id="hidden50" class="buttons"> busted and disgusted". He tells us to stay away from these types. lol ....وسعت 19
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    @Sequin5منذ 2 سنوات I’m happy to say that I’ve found one - he’s wonderful and I’m very lucky. Expecting a baby very soon. Don’t give up and don’t settle ladies - I know it’s hard out here ☺️ 9
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    @smilemajik8189منذ 2 سنوات Nah Chrissie, why was your impression on point? 3